Greensburg Board of Works met on Tuesday.
David Rainey with Veridus Group presented the modification of DLZ’s scope of work and contract. This is to add in additional pre design services and the new total for the contract is $153,340. This was approved.
Police Chief Mike McNealy requested to change the take home car policy. They are currently in the process of updating these policies and would like to make these changes earlier as a favor for both recruitment retainment and for on call officers, as this would greatly decrease response time. The recommendation is for officers to take their cars home in any surrounding county and for those within Decatur County to be able to use their car off duty. This was approved. Officer Randall Canady has reached his first year and is represents Greensburg well. The promotion of Officer Canady was approved.
Zeke Smith came to the board requesting to purchase 2 lift station pumps. They currently have several lift station pumps at the City Park and Rolling Meadows in disrepair as a shortage of parts have put them at a disadvantage. The purchase was approved.
City Engineer Ron May requested to do a storm drain repair in alley south of North Street between Stewart and Lathrop. This has been a storm drainage problem for a while and last year they found that the storm sewer was unusable. They prepared a design that would replace the storm sewer and add a storm inlet at the low point. This would be the first storm utility project. The board approved for O’Mara Contractors and Adams Tree Trimming Service to do the work for the project. There were several storm water appeals presented to the board. Stormwater fee appeals 2022-39 through 2022-47 were all recommended to be denied with 2022-45 being reclassified as Class 4 and properly billed as such by the city engineer. These recommendations were approved.
The board approved the purchase of the North Park concrete games for $800 less than the original price.
The Final Public Safety Community Cookout will be on October 20, from 6:00-8:00 pm on Ryle Addition. The Chili will be provided by the chili cook off winners: C Shift from the Fire station and the administration and investigation department from the police station.
The Pirate Park Ribbon Cutting will be on October 19, at 10:00 am.
Morgan Schofield
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