On October 21, 2023, Greensburg High School SADD and Greensburg Schools Champions Together will be hosting their 1st Annual Boo Bash at the Greensburg High School. All proceeds will go towards club activities throughout the year.
AT 8am activities will begin with a 5K Run/Walk. Entry fee is $20, and you will receive a t-shirt the morning of the race. You can register on Google Forms at https://forms.gle/J3ycutKEaKsbviB48 or getmeregistered at https://getmeregistered.com/BooBash5kGreensburg
Starting at 11am until 2pm there will be an indoor Trunk or Treat at the Greensburg High School. Enter through Door 1 when you arrive. Admission for a family is $5.
Kids can participate in activities in the High School and a movie will be shown from 12pm to 2pm., with popcorn and drinks available for purchase.