The Decatur County Sheriff’s Department has five arrests to report;
35 Year Old Nicholas Tingle of Madison, In. was arrested on a Probable Cause Warrant and an accusation of a Probation Violation.
39 Year Old Lucy Boyer of Charlestown, In. was arrested on an accusation of Kidnapping and Assisting a Criminal.
34 Year Old Alicia Turner of Greensburg was arrested on a n accusation of Kidnapping and Court Order Probation Violation.
37 Year Old Darren Dampier of Shelbyville, In. was arrested on an accusation of Court Order Probation Violation.
32 Year Old Francisco Reynaldo Gonzalez Villegas of Columbus In. was arrested on an accusation of Dealing Marijuana, Possession of a Controlled substance Cocaine or Narcotic Drug; Possession of a Paraphernalia; and Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated with Endangerment.
21 Year Old Deandrea Dawson of Seymour In. was arrested on an accusation of Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated.