The Area Plan Commissioners met on April 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm. The meeting began with the approval of the March meeting minutes.
The Area Plan Commissioners unanimously voted to approve APC Petition 2024-6 and 2024-7.
APC Petition 2024-6 – Don Volk requested to subdivide approx. 7.00 acres out of 89.83 acres and rezone approx. 2.99 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 915 & 920(7). The property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 9905 E CR 150 S, Batesville in Salt Creek Township. The Area Plan office received a phone call and a letter in support of approving this petition.
APC Petition 2024-7 – Corey Weber requested to subdivide approx. 3.00 acres out of 4.59 acres and rezone approx. 2.99 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 915 & 920(7). The property is owned by Larry & Rose Weber and is located at 4191 S CR 300 E, Greensburg in Marion Township
The meeting was adjourned.