From Decatur County Sheriff Bill Meyerrose
On Wednesday, January 3, 2024, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), contacted
law enforcement in Decatur County and advised that a bomb threat had been posted on
social media in the morning hours of this date. Further investigation by the FBI linked
the social media post to a student at South Decatur High School.
Deputies from the Decatur County Sheriff’s Dept. were immediately dispatched to both
South Decatur High School and South Decatur Elementary School to ensure the safety of
the students and staff at both schools and support the School Resource Officers there. The
investigation determined that there was no credible threat to the school or students at any
time. The investigation is continuing. We would like to thank the following agencies for
their assistance:
Greensburg Police Department
Decatur County Schools Resource Officers
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco (ATF)
Columbus, IN Police Department Bomb Squad
The Decatur County Prosecutors Office
Decatur County Court Services