The Decatur County United Fund will work with local businesses and not-for-profit agencies to hold the annual “Day of Caring”. Teams of volunteers are matched with local not for profits agencies to complete projects that they may otherwise have difficulty getting completed. “Day of Caring” will take place on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 and the United Fund is seeking projects from not-for-profits.
Any 501c3, not-for-profit organization may call the United Fund and request an application for any project they may have. Past projects range from painting, landscaping, general cleaning to printing t-shirts and hats.
The volunteers come from local businesses, schools, and individuals. Employers allow the team of employees’ time off from their job to complete the project. In 2019, approximately 106 volunteers worked on projects at different sites throughout the community. The 2020 Day of Caring was cancelled due to the pandemic. Companies must fill out an application to be matched with a project. The United Fund works with the companies to match the projects.
“Day of Caring” is the perfect opportunity to bring together the business world and the local not-for-profits. The business people get the opportunity to learn about the day to day operations and services available in our county. The not-for-profits get the benefit of having projects completed that they may not normally have the staff or volunteers to complete.
Not-for-profits with a project in need of completion or a company interested in participating can call the United Fund office at 812-663-3342 to get further details. The deadline for all applications is Tuesday, August 17, 2021.