The following days and times are listed as meetings of the Decatur County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees for the year 2024. These meeting dates and times are subject to change and notice will be given to that effect.
The Executive Session of the Governing Board will meet in Conference Room D at Decatur County Memorial Hospital, 720 N. Lincoln Street, Greensburg, IN at 5:00 p.m. on the dates listed below. Executive Session may also reconvene following an Open Session of the Board during any said meeting.
The Open Session of the Governing Board will meet in Conference Room D at Decatur County Memorial Hospital, 720 N. Lincoln Street, Greensburg, IN at 7:00 p.m. on the dates listed below. Open Session are open to members of the public pursuant to I.C. § 5-14-1.5-3(a).
January 25
(No Meeting in February.)
March 28
April 25
May 30
June 27
(No Meeting in July.)
August 29
September 26
October 24
November 21
December 12