The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.
Bryan Moorman requested to rezone 2.99 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. The bought the property 18 months ago and plan to be on Napoleon water. The property is owned by the petitioner in Greensburg, Fugit Township. Petition 2022-03 was approved.
Trent Westmeyer requested to rezone 2.99 acres out of 9.89 from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. Petition 2022-04 was tabled.
Michael Johannigman requested to subdivide 2.99 acres out of 38.15 acres and rezone that 2.99 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. The house will sit east of the barn on the property. The property is located in Greensburg, Marion Township. Petition 2022-05 was approved.
Darryl Wolterman requested to rezone up to 0.50 acres from an A-1 to a B-3 zoning classification for an automobile sales operation. The original building and spot was built as a car lot in the 1950s, however they did not have zoning ordinances then. This means that the property was never zoned for business and was just now noticed, as the petitioner needs the proper zoning to get their license approved. Only the building and parking lot at the front of the property would be zoned B-3 and the rest would be left A-1. The area would need a survey to properly describe the lines of the rezone. There were neighbors present at the meeting who had comments on the rezone. They are opposed to the number of cars that would be on the property, as there are already cars in the back of the property that have sat for years, and they want to know whose responsibility it would be to manage how many cars would be allowed on the rezoned lot. While this is not related to the rezone, the board was sympathetic and informed the neighbors that they can reach out to Kenny Buening to do an inspection of the property and see if any cleanup ordinances are in violation. The petitioner is a renter of the property that would be rezoned and has no control of the back portion of the property the neighbor was discussing. The main concerns of the board are rezoning such a small area within a parcel and that once it is rezoned, that B-3 will stick with any future renters or owners and any business that falls within that zoning can be put in. There is an issue with needing solid lines defined too. The board settled on the lines being 30 ft from the west and south sides of the building and the north and east being the property lines. The property is owned by Garvin Gardner in Westport, Sand Creek Township. Petition 2022-06 was denied.
The Broadband Ordinance was discussed. This was the first reading and will serve as the guideline for any broadband company looking into Decatur County.
Morgan Schofield
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