The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday. The board approved the claims.
Mark Mohr gave an update. The county received the community crossing grant for 2021 and will set up a bidding on June 7. During the bridge consultations, it. Was discovered there is a bridge that is in need of repairs. This will be taken care of soon. They sold a used pickup which the commissioners have the title to. They asked the commissioners to add the mileage so the new owner can pick it up. All structures are in place on S CR 800 E by Lake Santee and some ditch work still needs to be completed. Work is continuing on S CR 700. They have done the Bidding on bridge 239 for the deck replacement and whether or not the work will continue or not will depend on the price.
Krista Duvall presented ordinances 2021-3 and 2021-4 which were approved.
Kenny Buening gave an update. There have been 52 building inspections, 11 new building permits, and 1 red tag. There was a letter sent to an individual who was living in a pole barn without a permit.
Rick Anderson with Johnson Melloh came to the board to discuss putting together a report for energy conservation. Anderson came in last month to talk about energy conservation within the county offices. The commissioners think a report on potential projects would be a good idea. This was approved.
Don Schilling with the Decatur County Redevelopment Commission requested to amend the Area Resolution and the Original Plan to add funding of a pre-school program as set forth in the Third Addendum to the Economic Development Plan. This added funding for the Greensburg Community Schools for next fall. The county schools were already approved funding in 2019 and they would like to include Greensburg Schools. This was approved by the County Area Plan Commission. This was approved.
The commissioners approved the property and liability insurance renewal with Assured Partners.
Andy Scholle came to the board to discuss public drains. Scholle needs guidance on what the county wants to do on drainage, seeing as the current drain ordinance doesn’t really go into any farm drainage. This doesn’t help the new drainage board with resolving problems neighbors have had with each other. There is the option of regulated drains however a whole set of problems and expenses come with these for the county. The drainage ordinance does need to be tweaked to apply to the county better. The commissioners suggested the drainage board work with Krista to get this sorted out and tweak the ordinance.
Diane Wenning came to discuss the treasurers office and where they stand in the funds difference. They were given a recommendation to increase the funds by moving money in the bank into the county general fund. This would get the funds to match up. This was approved.
Bruns and Gutzwiller gave a quote of $31,880 to convert the law library to a third courtroom in the courthouse. This was approved. The lease agreement with the Washington township trustee was approved. CEO of Decatur County Memorial Hospital Rex McKinney informed the board that the hospital was recently rated a 5 star hospital from CMS. We are one of 13 hospitals in Indiana rated as a 5 star.
Morgan Schofield
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