The Decatur County Commissioners met on March 18, 2024, at 8 am. The meeting minutes, claims, and payroll were approved.
Todd Hauk, Highway Department stated highway staff continue to grade gravel roads, ditch, and patch. He said that today they will be going to St. Paul near the truck stop to do some patching. The Highway Department is currently conducting inventory and is tagging each item. The department is working on clearing debris that might be under or against a bridge that may put the bridge in danger of damage. INDOT states that they will be performing work on State Road 3 beginning at Pavey’s in Westport, IN to Highway 50 beginning after the Solar Eclipse until September.
Kenny Beuning, Building Inspector has performed 41 building inspections, 16 new building permits & plan reviews. He did have 3 red tags and those were corrected. He has followed up on the nuisance property located on 850 S. He reached the property owners and let them know what must be corrected. Kenny said he will continue to be in contact with them to see that these steps are taken. Also, the property in Letts is being demolished and he continues to check with the owners.
Krista Duvall, Area Plan Commission asked for approval of Ordinance 2023-16 for Bradley Scheidler to rezone 2.99 acres from A1-A2 for the construction of a single-family home. This was approved. Also Ordnance 2024-1 to rezone the old Decatur County Highway Garage from A1-B3. This was also approved. The Commissioners appointed Scott Smith from the APC to the BZA.
Sherriff Bill Meyerrose requested the closure of the eastbound lane on Park Road by Kohler Park on April 8, 2024, beginning at approximately 2:30 pm. This will avoid traffic exiting the Fairgrounds and going back into town. The goal is to direct individuals from the fairgrounds out to the bypass. The Commissioners approved this request.
Chad Smith, County Attorney is currently working on documents needed for the tip fee for the Highway from Bestway. He requested that they push this conversation until the next Commissioner meeting he would have a draft of an ordinance ready for review. The Commissioners agreed.
Discussion about the New Pit Access Road that will be put in at the fairgrounds. This will be located on the south side of the track. Todd Hauk stated that he will be getting a timeline ready for when this will be created.
Tony Blodgett said that he has reached out to HWC to see what the costs would be to find out about correcting the flood zone concerns for the shelter and the horse arena. He hopes to have more information at the next meeting.
Jim Moore, a property owner came before the Commissioners to speak in opposition to the Solar project. He quoted statements made at last month’s Solar Project meeting.
Three Lawn care bids were received and opened, however, the low bid was from Sycamore Advisory Group. Commissioners approved Sycamore Advisory Group.
Two Stone bids were received and with the suggestion from Todd Hauk, the Commissioners approved both bids.
Two Fuel bids were received. Heritage Petroleum has the lowest bid but before awarding them the contract the Commissioners want to know about local opportunities to get fuel. This was postponed until the next meeting when they can have additional information.
Mark Koors provided an update on the cost of the County Highway Garage. He stated that these are the unofficial numbers and should be made official sometime on 3/18/24. Mark said after the numbers are made official they will work on the payment structure of how to pay for the unpaid balance.
Original project budget: $11,000,000
Project total cost: $10,648,665.10
TIF paid: $9,000,000
Sale of Highway garage: $600,000
Unpaid Balance is: $1,048,665.10
There was a brief discussion about how things are going to be paid for. Mark Koors said that it is his thought that EDIT money will be used to pay for the remainder of the cost of the highway department. The Annex will be paid for by Cumulative Capital (CUMCAP). Mark Koors said that READI 2.0 will be paid hopefully by fundraising 1-2 million dollars. Fundraising efforts will begin soon.
Patty Hensley, Human Resources provided an update on the elevator. The elevator modernization is estimated to begin in June. This is due to parts delays. Also, there was a discussion about the service contract. They will terminate with their current vendor and begin working with Mid-America. The stairlift inspections have been approved and are ready to be used.
The Commissioners will be adding two additional handicapped parking spaces in front of the courthouse as soon as the weather gets a little warmer.
The meeting was adjourned.