Covered by Chris Ramey for WTRE news
Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education
The annual reorganizational meeting began at 6:00 pm. The election of officers for 2024 were
voted and approved. Those officers being President Todd Mauer, Vice President Matthew
Hoeing, Secretary Lizette Bell, President Board of Finance Tim Roscoe, Secretary Board of
Finance Joyce Geis, ISBA Legislative Representative/ISBA Policy Liason Todd Mauer, and
Treasurer Melissa Leap. The board approved a $100,000 bond for Melissa Leap. Doug Wilson
was appointed as legal counsel. All 2024 meetings will continue to be on the second Wednesday
at 6:00 pm at the Central Office. The meeting was adjourned.
The Annual Board of Finance Meeting was held immediately following the reorganizational
meeting. The meeting was called to order. A review of investments for 2023 was conducted.
Interest earned in 2023 was $53,875.45 in the checking account for the year, and $52,150.68 was
earned in the TrustIN account from September-December. With a total interest earned total of
$106.026.13. It was noted that the interest earned for 2022 was $2,801.48. This large increase in
interest earned can be attributed to higher interest rates, and the school received banks wanting to
offer better interest and while working with them the fees were negotiated. The TrustIN account
is used because they can invest differently than local banks. Next on the agenda was the review
of Fiscal Indicators Report. The average number of students enrolled on the designated “count
day” designated by the State Board of Education was 1,807 Fall 2022, 1,806 Spring 2023, and
not yet published 1,806 Fall 2023. This shows the district is maintaining enrollment. It was stated
that the district continues to have more revenue over expendentures.The Fund Balances as
Percent of Operational Expendentures for 2022 is 20.1% and the state likes districts to maintain
over 15%. This means if there were to be a delay in funding the school district could utilize
funds already in place. The meeting was adjourned.
The Monthly Board Meeting was conducted immediately following the Annual Board of Finance
Meeting. Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting held December 13, 2023, and Approval of
Order Payment of Claims and Payroll. Approval of the retirement of North Decatur Jr-Sr High
School Principal Debbie Reynolds effective July 31, 2024, and North Decatur Elementary
School Custodian Marvin Mills effective January 12, 2024. Approval of leaves for North
Decatur Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher Samantha Grote, and South Decatur Elementary
School SPED Instructional Assistant Janet Knight both for Medical Leave. Approval of
Appointments for South Decatur Elementary School- Allyson Boilanger Part-time SPED
Instructional Assistant, Taylor Ziegler Pre-K Instructional Assistant covering medical leave, and
Amber Smith, Meagen Schroder, & Jan Dieckman Part-time covering 1 School Nurse position
covering Medical Leave.
The next order of business was the Extra Effort Awards. South Decatur Jr. & Sr. High School
Principal Stewart Durham presented the awards to Guidance Secretary/Registrar KaitlynBillingsley and Social Studies teacher Donnie Barber. South Decatur Elementary School
Principal Nicole Stone presented the awards to Pre-K Teacher Melissa Day and Pre-K Special
Education Teacher Tara Sample.
from Left to Right
1. SD Jr. & Sr. High School Principal Stewart Durham
2. Social Studies Teacher Donnie Barber
3. Guidance Registrar Kaitlyn Billingsley
4. Decatur County Schools Superintendent Dr. Burns
from Left to Right
1. South Decatur Elementary School Assistant Principal Jacob Rader
2. Pre-K Teacher Melissa Day
3. Pre-K Special Education Teacher Tara Sample
4. South Decatur Elementary School Principal Nicole Stone
5. Decatur County Schools Superintendent Dr. Burns
Student Fundraisers were approved including the sale of “Orange out shirts” for the New
Directions Teen Council to raise awareness for teen dating violence. T-shirts will be sold during
lunch February 5th-9th. The Orange Out Game is on February 16, 2024. Also approval was
given to NDHS Cheer & Dance Team conduct a Mini Cheer & Dance Camp on January 16th,
17th, 18th, and the 19th in the NDHS Cafeteria.
The following Donations were approved- Napoleon State Bank donated $2,400 for Teacher Staff
Appreciation across the school district, First Financial Savings & Loan donated $3,865.00 for
Letterman Jackets and The Branch donated 3 Hot Chocolate Jugs to the staff christmas, both
donations being at North Decatur Jr. & Sr. High School. Springhill Presbyterian Church donated
$156 for milk/lunch money at North Decatur Elementary School. John & Amanda Organist
donated $50 to the Drama Department, and Letts Hardware donated $125.00 towards the
American Heart Association Donation Collection at South Decatur Jr. & Sr. High School. At
South Decatur Elementary School an Annonymous donor donated $100 towards gifts for
student’s who could not afford to participate in gift exchanges. The following donors donated to
the Cougar Care- Sandra & Steven Billieu $150, Gregory & Lizette Bell $150, Jennifer Louden
$300, Sara Denny & Lizette Bell $150, and Laurie Cunningham $150.
South Decatur Jr. & Sr. High School Principal Stewart Durham stated that having the Band and
Choir perform on the same night went great. The ending of the evening they came on stage
together. He said that Boys Basketball is doing well 7-5 with 10 to go, and Girls Basketball 9-9
with 4 to go. He stated that there will be a blood drive in the spring for staff and board members.
South Deatur Elementary School Assistant Principal Jacob Rader stated they had a great Band,
Choir, and newly added Show Choir concert this year. The Choir sang at Morning Breeze before
Winter Break. They had 80 girls that are in 3rd-6th grade participate in a STEM girls night out,
all leaving with grab bags. The school will be beginning the Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser
The next meeting of the Decatur County Community School Board of Trustees will meet on
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at Central Office at 6:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned.