Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education

The Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education met on Wednesday.

The board approved the payment of claims and payroll. The resignations of Carmelita Boone, North Decatur High School, and Norbert Bedel, South Decatur Bus Driver, were approved. The hirings of LeaAnn Nobbe, South Decatur High School, Susan Baldwin, South Decatur Elementary, Lynn Bryan, North Decatur High School, and David Hartshorn, South Decatur bus driver, were approved. The following hirings to North Decatur Athletics were approved: Jenna Weber, Eric Whitaker, Becky Bingham, and Brent Muckerheide. The following hirings to South Decatur Athletics were approved: Mark Koors, Lisa Huff, Mike Cole, Scott Best, Herb Somers, and Josh Wall.

There were routine end of the year financial matters discussed. There was a request to transfer appropriations for year end balancing which was approved. There was a request to transfer 2020 professional services and building construction plans and appropriations of operations funds to operations fund 2021 which was approved. There was a request to transfer the technology portion of operations fund to operations fund 2021 which was approved. There was a request to dispose of obsolete equipment which was approved. The North Decatur Basketball online T-shirt sales fundraiser was approved.

Morgan Schofield
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