Decatur County Council

The Decatur County Council met on Tuesday.

Sean Durbin with the Health Department discussed SB 4, for the Governor’s Public Health Initiative, and what it means for Decatur County. If they were to get money from from this initiative, it would be used to better the public health of our community and they’d like to be able to offer grant money as well. The goal is to be as responsible with this money as possible and to used evidence based practices to decide what to spend on. The council gave their support for if SB 4 passes.

Minde Myers came to the board to discuss the animal control part time rate. This would be an additional of $2,800 in the animal control budget as well as $25 per emergency call out. This will need to be advertised.

All transfers were approved. All additionals were approved.

There was a discussion on raising the tax levy on cumulative cap and cumulative bridge. These were tabled for further information and discussion.

The board approved to begin the process of lowering the special purpose tax from .65% to .60%.

There was a discussion on the food and beverage tax. The aquatic committee was contacted by the chairman of Ways and Means that said they need to have a supplemental need for a food and beverage. A letter of intent and MOU has been drafted. Resolution 2023-3 was approved.

Morgan Schofield


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