The Decatur County Memorial Hospital Board met on Thursday.
There was a financial report given to the board. March was a strong month in admission volumes and they were 46% occupied. All categories, including clinics, were favorable. They are above the bond convenance and are favorable to the income budget by 12.6%. They are favorable on gross revenue by 6.1% and favorable to the budget by 2.1% year to date. The report was approved.
The Finance Committee and Investment subcommittee gave a report. They reviewed the result of all ongoing audits and received a detailed report on the nursing home updates. They reviewed the quarterly investments report. The report was approved.
Rex McKinney gave a CEO update. The rehab project is coming along nicely and excitement for the building is growing. They are on budget and hope to be done with the project in the Fall. The Healthy Fair will be on June 22. The administrative team is continuing to work with IT in order to keep up to date.
The board approved the purchase of real estate for strategic purposes.
The board approved the capital requests.
The board approved the contract with CRNA Carolyn Cook.
All appointments to the medical staff were approved. There were no resignations.
Morgan Schofield
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