Decatur County Memorial Hospital Board Meeting

The Decatur County Memorial Hospital Governing Board Meeting was held on March 28, 2024, at 7:00 pm.

The meeting began with approval of the January 25, 2024 meeting minutes and the March Finance Committee meeting minutes. The board approved the Cash, Investments, and Capital Asset Purchases for January 2024 and February 2024.

Catherine Keck, Chief Financial Officer provided a financial report, she stated that the Revenue was favorable for the month. Also, Expenses were under 1.7% which is trending well. Catherine added that the hospital’s current investments are all doing well. She also added that during February they saw 93 inpatient admissions and 16 births at the hospital.

Bryan Robbins, Secretary provided the Compliance/Risk Management/Audit Meeting Report from the February 6, 2024 meeting. Bryan stated that they reviewed current technology threats that have been seen throughout the world and reminded the board that they are continuing to conduct security checks and overall all security checks continue to trend in the positive direction. He added that during the meeting they took a strategic review and looked at the measures that are involved with the star rating of the hospital. Bryan also discussed that the hospital is meeting all requirements of the patient cost transparency changes that recently went into effect.

Malcolm Myers, Board Member provided the Finance Committee Meeting Report from the February and March meetings. Malcolm stated that they went over the January finances. They reviewed five audit results and the progress that is being conducted to correct any findings that were found. The pharmacy project was also discussed. During the meeting, there were no capital requests. Catherine Keck also provided a review of the January Finance Report. Malcolm also provided a review of what occurred during the March meeting. He said that they again reviewed the five audits they began reviewing during the February meeting. Malcolm stated that during the March meeting, they reviewed the Accounts Receivable Report. Capital Projects were discussed and the committee was updated on facility projects.

Malcolm provided the Investment Subcommittee Meeting Report from the February 29, 2024 meeting. During the meeting, they reviewed the investment report. They will meet every quarter to go over the hospital’s investment results. They also reviewed the Investment Policy. They made a goal to improve the hospital’s total return on investments.

The Planning Committee Meeting Report from the March 5, 2024 meeting was given. During the meeting, they discussed the New Rehabilitation Building has been opened and is going great. The committee also discussed the potential of remodeling and the use of the second floor that has recently been vacated because the Therapy department relocated to the new building.

The Quality Management Meeting Report from the March 20, 2024 meeting was given. The meeting began with the Director of Quality going over their report. The committee also reviewed quality reports. During those reviews, they went over the strengths and weaknesses.

The board approved the following-

-Committee Work Plans for 2024

-Revisions made to the Patient Accounts Financial Assistance Policy.

-DCMH Assessment/Reassessment Policy.

-Physician Contracts for Dr. Singh and Dr. Gallup.

-Proposed Capital Projects

-2024 Conflict of Interest Statements that have been received.

Rex McKinney, President & CEO provided an update that the Rehabilitation Building is open and things are going well. He states that several departments have moved and are operating normally. Rex stated that the Human Resources department works to be active in the community. They have been attending high school activities and job fairs throughout Decatur County and surrounding counties. Rex spoke about the successful Women’s Health Expo that occurred a few weeks ago. He stated that 120 community members participated with 40 staff volunteering their time.

The board approved the appointment of Joshua Rosenberg DO- Telera/Surgery- Summit Radiology to medical staff.

The board approved the following resignations/terminations from the medical staff:

Jungnoo Husain, MD- Pathologist- Ameripath

Samantha Morgan, PA-C- Indy Gastro

Erin Murphy, FNP BC- Indy Gastro

Ayad Agha, DO- Teleradiology/Surgery- Summit Radiology

Dale Lockman, PA- Emergency Medicine/Medicine- TeamHealth

The DCMH Foundation Gala is scheduled for April 26, 2024. The next board meeting is April 25, 2024.

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