The Decatur County Visitors Commission met on Thursday.
There was a special events grant request made by Chris Thurston for the North Decatur High School Holiday Basketball Tournament. This will be held on December 30 and there are 3 teams signed up. They dont know how many people will be in attendance, but as of right now it is only parents allowed. The request was for up to $2,400. This was approved. There was also a request for a community enhancement project funding made by Mandy Lohrum for the Arts and Cultural Council for their Patronicity Fundraiser. They are 6 days away from the end of the fundraiser which was their 25th anniversary project. All money earned will go to Rebecca Park. They have received money from the Community Foundation as well as community members and money received from the tourism board would push them over their goal. The request was for $1,250. This was approved.
Satolli Glassmeyer discussed his History in Your Own Back Yard documentary project. The project is being done to help educate younger generations, as well as general public, on historic buildings and sites in their town. All information documented will be archived in the state library and all videos will go on to his YouTube page to be viewed by all. The documentaries would be based off interviews on specific places with someone who knows the complete history of the place. A documentary on 1 building costs $999 with a $100 discount given for each additional building documented. For a town video it would cost $1,999 with the same discount given for additionals. The board tabled this for now.
There was a marketing update given by Erica Gunn and Daniel Fayette. There was a discussion on which ad to purchase in Visit Indiana magazine, if any ad. They have also had several work sessions for the website and visitors guide. They are continuously doing improvements on the website to ensure it is the best it can be for the community. The goal is to have the visitors guide printed by January 1.
The board introduced their new IUPUI intern Kennedy Weaver, who has been a great addition to their team.
Morgan Schofield
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