Greensburg Redevelopment Commission

The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.

City engineer Ron May gave an update to the board on the Veterans Way phase 2 project status. They expected the worse because of all the recent rain, however they were happily surprised by the progress. The construction of the new asphalt and pavement have been worked on and the pavement, excluding the surface, has been completed. Everything is coming along and relatively soon they will be ready to switch traffic. There was an update on the Indiana Department of Health Preparation of a Community-wide Bicycle and pedestrian master plan. The work is continuing and they are working on an assessment of current facilities. There was an update given on the Veterans Way Residential Project. This is moving forward at a deliberate pace.

David Starkey from Reedy Financial Group gave a financial update. This is the same report as they have seen before. There was also a request for funding for Reedy Financial Group to review the tax increment finance revenues from the HONDA economic development area. This is for up to an additional $5,000. This was approved.

The claims were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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