Greensburg Redevelopment Commission

The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.

Philip Roth with American Structure Point gave an update on the Indiana Department of Health Preparation of a Community-wide Bicycle and pedestrian master plan. They have been working for the past several months on this plan and the grant stipulates that the invoice needs to be sent in by the end of the month. There was a public meeting held at the YMCA and also a public survey. It seems like most bike trips in the community are for recreation or fitness, however there is a group that relies on bike riding and walking for shopping and work. A large percentage of people who took the survey mentioned having something connected to the city park or Park Road. There was a semi-final alternative route presented to the board and the next step would be to look at the comprehensive plan and adoption.

City engineer Ron May gave an update to the board on the Veterans Way phase 2 project status. Duke is doing the work to get their utilities out of the way. The main line road is continuing onward and their current estimate end date is the first week of October, however this is not a set date. They are 84.7% complete and have had 3 change orders to date. There was an update given on the Veterans Way Residential Project. An appraiser has been hired to appraise the 5 parcels and they hope to have these by the end of the month.

The claims were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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