The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission Meeting held a Special Meeting on February 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance, immediately followed by Chris Stephen, RDC Attorney swearing in Mark Klosterkemper as the newest commission member. The commission approved the February 1, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
Zach Wirrig, Director of Public Projects came to the commission to discuss entering into a new agreement with Lee & Associates for the RDC Property Marketing Program. The last agreement expired in December 2023. The commission discussed how things went when they were under contract previously and stated that they would like to know what is going to be done with marketing the properties this time. The commission discussed parts within the contract and whether they wanted to make changes or not. It was also stated that someone has shown interest in the 12-acre parcel and whether or not that would be part of the holdover clause. The commission voted to postpone a decision at this time and they would discuss this at their next meeting.
Zach was very excited to tell the commission members that they had a verbal agreement with the Residential Development Project Developer. All of the term negotiations are complete. At this time they are awaiting the head of the company returns. Chris Stephen stated that he would ask that the commission approve Dr. Weigel, Commission President, and Mayor Josh Marsh to sign the contract on behalf of the RDC once the developer has signed the contract. The commission unanimously approved this request.
Brady Rogers, Reedy Financial came to the commission to discuss the state reporting for April and to discuss all reporting dates throughout the year. He updated the commission on all income, debts, project income and expense, and bond information. It was discussed that the prior agreement with Beacon Builders has been ended.
Mayor Josh Marsh came to the commission to update them that the County Commissioners have agreed to sell the “old jail property”. They agreed to the $120,000 offer. The County Commissioners have signed a resolution. Mayor Marsh came to the commission tonight to ask them to sign Resolution 2024-05 to finalize the purchase. Mayor Marsh stated that the next step is to get the survey completed so that they can get the easement completed for the communication tower which will allow the county the ability to access the property. Mayor Marsh asked the commission to move forward with payment of $120,000 to the County Commissioners while the survey is pending. The commission unanimously approved.
Jack Woods, Veridas Group Representative came to the commission to discuss the RFP process for the old jail property and then speak about the RFP process beginning date of March 5, 2024, and then leave the RFP open for 6 weeks. The RFP responses would be due the last week of April and then be opened at the May meeting. At that time the vote could be postponed so that they have the next month to allow for review, interviews, and questions to be asked of all submissions. Jack has consulted with the city on the Fire Station and Street Department Projects. Jack said that they can on average expect 3-5 responses on the posted RFP.
The commission approved all of the February and March 2024 claims for five line items for a total of $4,413.95. The Commission decided to cancel the March 7, 2024, regular RDC meeting. The next RDC meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2024, at 7:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned.