Indiana has 3083 new positives bringing the number of positives to 185,185. 26 more Hoosiers have died bringing the number of deaths to 4150.
Decatur County has 631 positives (14 new) and 5988 tested (44 new)
As for neighboring counties –
Bartholomew – 1623 positives (26 new) and 20,947 tested (170 new)
Shelby County – 1035 positives (16) and 9520 tested (90 new)
Ripley County – 574 positives (9 new) and 6529 tested (66 new)
Franklin County – 412 positives (6 new) and 3083 tested (12 new)
Rush – 306 positives (8 new) and 3821 tested (40 new)
Jennings – 449 tested (7 new) and 4747 tested (27 new)