Study Committees for Sen. Leising

From State Senator Jean Leising

The Indiana General Assembly is a part-time citizen legislature, meaning we typically only meet for a few months at the beginning of each year. 

Over the summer and fall months, lawmakers serve on study committees. These committees study key issues facing Indiana that were identified during the prior legislative session.
Each committee discusses topics assigned by the bipartisan Legislative Council, which is comprised of 16 voting members – eight from the Senate and eight from the House of Representatives.

My assignments include the following:

Interim Study Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources, chair; State Fair Advisory Committee, vice-chair; Medicaid Advisory Committee; and 21st Century Energy Policy Development Task Force. As a member of the Senate Committee on Utilities, I look forward to collaborating with fellow lawmakers and stakeholders to address energy issues this summer and fall through the 21st Century Energy Policy Development Task Force. As industries continue to advance, it’s vital that we take a holistic approach when crafting energy policies to ensure there isn’t an increased divide between rural, suburban and urban areas.
To view study committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit

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