The Decatur County Area Plan Commission

The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.

Steve Snyder requested to subdivide 28 acres out of 40.26 acres and rezone 2.99 acres out of that 28 from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. An adjoining neighbor was present and wanted to know what was happening with the other half of the property that was not being built on. That area of the property will still be used for farming. The septic has been approved. The property is owned by Kevin and Angela Weber in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2020-26 was approved. Walter Eicher requested to subdivide 4 acres out of 10.355 acres and rezone 2.99 acres out of that 4 from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. The driveway has been approved. The property is owned by Wendell Thackery in Greensburg, Clinton Township. Petition 2020-27 was approved. Kelsey and Eric Amberger requested to subdivide 4 acres out of 15 acres and rezone 2.99 acres of the 4 from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for a single family detached dwelling. The neighbor and current land owner approves. The property is owned by Thomas and Linda Amberger in Greensburg, Clay Township. Petition 2020-28 was approved.

There was a discussion on the proposed Decatur County zoning ordinances. Paul Stone asked that they approve the full List of ordinances and keep the ordinance on Confined feeding operations the same as they currently are and work towards change later through amendments. Stone believes that the other 200 pages of ordinances are being held up by these few paragraphs and needs to move on. The members of the board individually agreed with Stones view. The current setback is 660 structure to structure. IDEM setbacks are 400 from offsite residential, 100 from property line, and 300 from water. CFOs are not allowed to move contaminants in water offsite in Indiana. When it is being applied all must be accounted for.

There was a motion to approve the Commissioners proposal of 400 setback from the property line. This was denied.

There was a motion to look to make a favorable recommendation on all proposed ordinances- save for the CFO ordinances that will stay as they currently are- to the commissioners. This was approved.

Morgan Schofield
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