Another way Decatur County United Fund invests in Decatur County is through youth grants. Youth grants are awarded from undesignated dollars from the United Fund Youth Endowment.
At its Board of Director’s meeting, the United fund awarded a $1,000 grant to Decatur County Community Schools that will fund the purchase of four CPR mannequins and supplies. The training will allow 120 – 150 students in health class to be trained in CPR. These mannequins will also be used to train teachers, bus drivers and coaches.
Jim Ponsler, Decatur County Community Schools Resource Officer, shared, “Thanks to Decatur County United Fund, this funding will help our schools get the CPR and life saving program going.”
“The Decatur County United Fund Board of Directors and staff are pleased to support this great health and educational program to so many in our community, especially the schools.” stated Joane Cunningham, Executive Director. “Currently, about 9 in 10 people who have cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. … if it is performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival…. per American Red Cross. This is a life-saving training for all. “
You can continue to support the Decatur County United Fund and our community work by mailing a check to 108 S. Broadway, Suite 1, Greensburg, IN 47240, donate on our website at, or go to our Facebook page Decatur County United Fund to donate. Our contact number is 812-663-3342 for any additional information.