Westport Town Council met on Monday. The council signed the funeral deeds, payroll vouchers, adjustments, and monthly bills.
There was a public hearing for the 2022 budget. There was a question on why the Community Crossing Grant funds were at 0. This is because they are allotted $220,000 and are permitted to transfer these into the fund by the state when needed. The board would like to see more paving projects done through community crossing, but are waiting for the water projects to be completed so that it won’t get ruined.
The board introduced the new attorney Alex Whitted.
There was an update on the Westport Water Projects. They are moving along with the plant and the pumps are in. They are currently working on piping and the HVAC system. With everything that happened during 2020, the plastic tubes for the treatment tank have been delayed. Thieneman Construction submitted a pay request and a change order which were both approved. Division B has been sent a notice for incompletion of work. There was a change order request that was approved.
Ordinance 2021-6 for establishing ARP Fund 176 was approved. They are getting ready to receive ARP funds from the state and the state recommended that they pass this ordinance to accept the funds.
There was a discussion on rental inspection requirements in Westport. They have been working on cleaning up owner-occupied homes and want to make sure the health and safety of renters is just as good. EDC Director Bryan Robbins suggested an inspection done after a previous tenant has left and before a new one moves in. This will be further discussed at a future time.
There was an attorney update on traffic court and the nuisance ordinance. Both of these will take a lot of time and research, as they are starting at the bottom and building them.
There was a discussion on the tree removal policy. They have sent 2 letters to 2 different properties about dead trees and wanted to be sure of what procedure to follow. The board will follow the current ordinance.
There was a discussion on 606 E Schott Street. This is a home in extreme disrepair both on the inside and outside. They have already distributed fines and taken action, however the board wanted to know what else they could do. Neighbors have been complaining of mold and insulation being burned. The board can request an inspection warrant and see what they violate.
There is a red and white bus that needs to be removed and the owner agrees. However, they need help due to age and health issues removing the brush around it. This will be taken care of.
Morgan Schofield
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