Westport Town Council met on Monday. The council signed the funeral deeds, payroll vouchers, adjustments, and monthly bills.
There was an update on the Westport Water Projects. They are moving along nicely at the plant and the carbon filter has been delivered. They are currently waiting on more to be delivered and then they will begin with plumbing. The anticipated completion date is the end of September. There were several change orders presented for Division B. These were approved. There were several pay requests presented to the board. These were approved.
Ordinance 2021-5, to establish new 1-way streets, was presented. This is for Johnson Avenue and Government Avenue. The first reading was passed. This was approved.
The board discussed the annexation of Washington Street. The laws have changed and they will need 100% agreement from all residents on annexation. There have been no problems this far, but will be double checked.
Morgan Schofield
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