Greensburg defeated Lawrenceburg last night in four games 25-19, 25-16, 24-26, 25-21. Lawrenceburg is very scrappy and they play great defense. They force you to make just one more play and that seemed to frustrate us at times. Josie Nobbe led us from the service line serving 27-27 with 3 aces, followed Kenedee Lowe serving 17-17 with 1 ace, and Jenna Foster 16-17 with 1 ace. At the net, Ella Chapman had 22 kills and Josie Nobbe put down 21. Our assists came from Mya Comer who had 25 and Jenna Foster with 17 and defensively, Josie had 27 digs, Janae Comer worked to save 16 and Abigail Hoeing had 14. As a team we had 15 blocks on the night thanks to Leah West, Carlee Adams, Janae Comer, and Josie Nobbe who set our blocks for us. Doing their job well makes it easier for our middles, Claire Nobbe and Ella Chapman defensively. Tina Fogg came in and did a nice job breaking momentum and digging up some serve receive for us and working hard in the back row and Kenedee Lowe’s accurate serving off the bench was key as well. That makes us 9-0 thus far in the season. JuneAnn Rigney