North Decatur Girls Varsity Track finishes 12th place at Sectional

North Decatur High School Girls Varsity Track finishes 12th place at Girls Sectional
Meet Recap from North Decatur
The Girls Varsity Track team attended the Sectional 24 Meet hosted by East Central High School.

Abigail Hartman tied in 3rd place with a height of 4’10” in High Jump.

Anna Burkhart took 3rd in Long Jump with a distance of 16’3.50″.

Jenna Walton took 7th in the 1600 Meters with a time of 6:11.88.

Abigail Hartman and Anna Burkhart will advance to the Regional Meet next Tuesday at Franklin Community High School.
East Central High School 1 160
Batesville High School 2 115
Greensburg High School 3 84
Lawrenceburg High School 4 49.5
Franklin County High School 5 49
JacCenDel High School 6 36
South Dearborn High School 7 35.5
South Ripley High School 8 27
Oldenburg Academy 9 20
South Decatur High School 10 14.5
Rising Sun High School 11 14
North Decatur High School 121 3.5
Milan High School13 6

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