North Decatur Golf

Tuesday night the Chargers traveled to Hidden Valley Lake Golf Club to face Lawrenceburg, Jac-Cen-Del, and South Ripley. Playing the front nine, Lawrenceburg won the match with a team score of 232. North Decatur placed 2nd with a team score of 256, South Ripley was 3rd with 271 and Jac- Cen-Del did not have enough players to post a team score. 
The individula low medalist for the match was Lizzie Caudill from Lawrenceburg with a 49. North’s Addie Gauck tied for 2nd place for the match with a 53, her low score for the season. 
Individual Scores:
Addie Gauck – 53 
Kaylee Smith- 67 
Lizzie Custer – 67 
Hannah Reynolds – 69
Chase Christianson – 70

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