Jefferson County man arrested on child molesting allegations

Today, August 16, 2021, detectives from the Indiana State Police-Versailles Post arrested a Lexington, Indiana man on charges involving allegations of child molesting, rape, and sexual battery. The investigation by Detective Jason Duncan began in March 2021 when two female juveniles reported that they were molested by Phillip Phillips, age 52, Lexington, Indiana.  During interviews with the Child Advocacy Center, the victims indicated that between August 2019 and March 2021, they were inappropriately touched by Phillips on more than one occasion at Phillips’ Jefferson County residence. After the nearly five-month investigation by the Indiana State Police, the case was presented to the Jefferson County Prosecutor’s Office for review.  As a result, an arrest warrant was recently issued for Phillip Phillips on one count of Child Molesting, Level 1 Felony, one count of Child Molesting, Level 4 Felony, one count of Rape, Level 3 Felony, and one count of Sexual Battery, Leve 6 Felony. Phillips was arrested this morning at his place of employment in Scott County, Indiana.  He was transported to the Scott County Jail before being transferred to the Jefferson County Jail where he is being held pending an initial court appearance. The Indiana State Police was assisted by the Child Advocacy Center-Madison, Indiana.

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