Boo Bash 10/21/23

On October 21 st , 2023, Greensburg High School SADD and Greensburg Schools Champions
Together will be hosting their 1 st Annual Boo Bash at the Greensburg High School. All proceeds
will go towards club activities throughout the year.
At 8 a.m., we will begin our activities with a 5K Run/Walk, and if you want to get into the spirit
wear your favorite Halloween Costume. The 5K will be held on the Greensburg Community
School High School and Elementary grounds. Entry fee is $20.00, and you will receive a T-shirt
the morning of the race. You can register on Google Forms at or Getmeregisterd at

Starting at 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., we will hold an indoor Trunk or Treat at the Greensburg High
School. You can enter through Door 1 when you arrive. Admission for a family is $5.00.
If you are a business, church, civic group, etc. and would like to participate in passing out candy,
please contact or 812-663-7523 ext. 2003 so that we can hold a
table for you.
We will also be offering activities in the High School for kids to participate in and a movie will be
shown from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., with Popcorn and drinks will be available for purchase.

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