City of Greensburg Board of Aviation Meeting- 6/6/24

The city of Greensburg Board of Aviation met on June 6, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

The meeting began with the approval of the agenda and the approval of the May 2, 2024 meeting minutes.

John Feister, BF&S, stated that the new apron project is currently out to bid. Opening of the bids will occur on July 1, 2024 at 1:30 pm. He received approval once bids come in that he can submit the application to the FAA.

John provided an update on AIP 20 and AIP 21 being submitted for closure. They received notice that they are currently under review.

The board approved the Pumphrey agreement for the gentleman to mow for no cost. This agreement is to make sure he does not have liability for any concerns that may occur during his volunteer duties.

The board approved all bills for the month.

The meeting was adjourned.

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