The City of Greensburg Board of Works met on April 9, 2024, at 5:30 pm.
The March 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes and the March 28, 2024, Executive Session meeting minutes were approved.
Mark Carman, Tree City Fall Festival representative came to the board to request street closures for the Fall Festival. The Board approved all closures.
Deena Hamer, YMCA representative came to the board to request closures for the Tree City Rolling Tour. After a brief discussion, they would not need to close the streets instead they would need rolling blocks. Mike McNealy, Police Chief said his team helped last year and would help again this year. This was approved by the board.
Mayor’s Youth Council members came to the board to seek approval for a Color Fun Run 5k on June 15, 2024. This will include a live DJ, snacks, and water. It will be fun for all ages. The run will begin and end at Rebekah Park. The board approved a road closure on East Central Ave. and the use of Rebekah Park and the trail. Mayor Marsh told the students to seek permission to utilize Greensburg Community Schools’ property. The members said that they are in talks with the school now. Nathan Stoermer, Fire Chief stated that he and his crew would be happy to help wash down any areas affected by the chalk that is used for the color run.
Mayor Josh Marsh filled in for the Veridus Group providing the monthly update on the Municipal Complex Project.
Fire Station Update:
Poured front exterior concrete apron and concrete pavement
Hard lid ceilings installed
Painting has started and is ongoing
The rooftop unit has been set
Duct insulation is ongoing
Furniture is ordered and scheduled to begin arriving in mid-May.
Procurement Concerns:
Generator- Expected First of July
Overhead doors (Bi-folds)- Mid May
Street Department Update:
Lockers & Casework installed
Flooring installed
Painting completed
Ceiling grid & pads installed
Restroom’s tiled and fixtures installed
The punch list with the Contractor this week.
Furniture is ordered and scheduled to begin arriving in mid-May.
Nathan Stoermer, Fire Chief stated that the contractor will work on a Deceleration lane in the coming weeks. This will not cause a road closure however the contractor has stated that they will have barrels that are 3 feet into the lane on Broadway Street. He said if a concern arises then they will re-evaluate. The creation of the lane will take approximately 3 weeks depending on the weather.
Mike McNealy, Police Chief asked the board to approve a landscaping bid to update the landscaping around the police department. This bid will take some of the bushes out of the landscaping and offer a cleaner updated look with less maintenance required. The cost has already been allocated in the Capital Improvement budget for the police department. The board approved the bid for Off-Duty Lawn Care for $14,056.00.
Chief McNealy asked for the board’s approval to trade in 4 vehicles to be used towards the purchase of a new police vehicle, a Dodge Charger. This purchase and trade-ins will be at John Jones Auto Group. The board approved this request.
The police department also has a 2014 Ford SUV that was used as a K9 unit previously and the K9 unit additions were transferred to another vehicle. John Jones Auto Group is not interested in purchasing this vehicle. Chief McNealy asked the board to approve the sale of this vehicle to Decatur County to be used for the IT department. Since the IT department is funded half by the city and half by the county they will split the cost of the vehicle with ownership and responsibility for the vehicle being on Decatur County. The board approved this sale.
Nathan Stoermer, Fire Chief approached the board to request approval to give a conditional offer to the candidate that he and the board of works agreed upon. The board voted to authorize Mayor Marsh to offer the position after a meeting the Fire Department is having on April 10, 2024.
Zach Wirrig, Director of Public Projects received approval to raise the Street and Vacation Permit Fee from $100 to $200 due to costs associated being more than $100. The board also approved a Washington Street Engineering amendment.
Zeke Smith, Wastewater Superintendent came to the board this evening to receive approval to purchase and accept a bid for a new truck. They currently have a 2004 that is beginning to show severe signs of wear and tear. Mr. Smith stated that the money required to purchase this vehicle was within his budget. At this time they plan to utilize the 2004 truck for parts for their other vehicle(s) The board approved the purchase of the truck from Fleetwood Chevrolet for $62,528. This vehicle is on the lot and is ready to go.
Mr. Smith also requested approval to replace a conveyor belt that removes garbage from what is coming into the facility. This conveyor belt is 17 years old and has a life expectancy of 15-20 years. Mr. Smith said this request falls within his budget. The belt is falling apart and parts of the belt have been found on the ground. This conveyor runs 24 hours per day. The board approved the purchase of the belt for $66,000.
Donna Lecher, Utilities Manager requested an adjustment for a customer due to an underground sewer leak for $579.54. This was approved.
Mayor Marsh thanked all of the staff, volunteers, and the community for a wonderful time this past weekend. He spoke of individuals that he met with and got to talk to and where they are from. He received notice today that a couple from North Carolina became engaged at Pirate Park on Monday.
The Mayor reminded all residents that Heavy Trash Week is May 20-24, 2024.
The Mayor thanked Lindsay Jobe as this was her last meeting because she has resigned so that she can focus on her family and other activities.
Beverly Rivera, Washington Township Trustee brought the signed Washington Township Fire Contract to the board and received approval and signatures from the Board of Works and the Mayor. This is the 2024 contract.
The meeting was adjourned.