The Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting began with a Public Hearing to allow public comment on the Variance for size of an accessory structure and also setbacks of that structure at 210 W. McKee Street.
Larry Ashley, a neighbor, came to the board to state that he is concerned about what is being put inside the garage and questioned if the current house is being torn down and if this is going to be a garage or an apartment building.
Sarah Hamer, Building Commissioner stated that she received a phone call from Mary Bell who is also a neighbor and she is concerned with the size of the building and how close the building will be to the property line.
The Public Hearing was closed after no further comments.
The meeting began at 7:10 pm. Meeting minutes from the May 8, 2024 meeting were approved.
Gary Land is requesting a variance for the size of an accessory structure and setbacks at 210 W. Mckee Street.
Mr. Land stated that the current structure will remain with a remodel. He is currently working with Jeff Whitaker to ensure that a re-design of the front of the home will fit in with the surrounding properties. He also stated that he will be utilizing water, sewer, and electricity as he plans to have a bar area within his garage. He plans to store his motor home inside the building. The application for variance was for the build of a 34ftx64ft 16 ft tall building. He states that the garage will not have any apartments within it.
The board discussed concerns that the size of the accessory building will be nearly 2x the size of the current structure which is specifically stated in the UDO that the accessory building should be comparable to the size of the home. The second concern is with the size of the building he would be down to 4 ft setbacks on each side of the building.
After continued discussion, the board decided to table the vote pending Mr. Land’s coming up with a smaller building that would be more comparable to the home with larger setbacks than 4ft. The board voted and approved to table the discussion.
Mr. Land asked what they would like him to look at for a build. He said that he has no problem condensing the structure but needed to know what to do. It was discovered that if he reduced the building from 36ft x 64 ft (2,304 sq ft) to 24ft x 64 ft (1,536) the board would be more comfortable with approval.
The board voted to un-table the variance request and bring it to the floor.
The board then approved the variance request for the build not to exceed 24ft x 64 ft accessory structure. This takes the setbacks to approximately 8ft.
The meeting was adjourned.