The City of Greensburg Water Board held its monthly meeting on Tuesday June 4, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
The meeting began with the approval of the May 8, 2024 meeting minutes.
Rick Denney, Water Plant Superintendent, presented a bid to power wash the Honda and East Water Towers. The bid was $12,900 per tower with a combined total of $25,800. Rick added that this is the exact amount that they spent when the towers were last power washed. Rick added that the towers have some mold growth and that it would be best to get that removed. The board approved the bid and expense.
Rick then brought up the discussion of the South Water Tower by stating that the inspection that was completed shows that the water tower is structurally in good shape. This tower was built in 1954. The interior of the tower in the late 1990’s to have the grease interior removed and replaced with an epoxy spray. However, the tower is showing wear and tear and that it could use a new paint job. It was stated that it requires specific paint to ensure that it adheres to the metal of the tower. The current thought is to put an over coating on the pre-existing paint. The board agreed that Rick could reach out and get some bids to get it over coated and bring that back to the board.
Rick stated that they underwent their Sanitary Survey and overall they did well with just a few items to correct. Rick said that some fixes were corrected right away and others he will see that they are corrected.
Rick added that he submitted the May MRO to the state of IN yesterday.
The board also recognized Donna Lecher for going through the new payroll system and they let her know they appreciate her hard work and dedication.
The meeting was adjourned.