City of Greensburg Water Board Meeting

The City of Greensburg Water Board met on May 8, 2024, at 6 pm. 

The board approved the March 5, 2024 meeting minutes. 

Rick Denney, Water Plant Superintendent, came to the board to present three quotes for a 4-door truck that would be used as a locating truck. Rick said that this truck being a 4-door truck would be useful for when staff need to travel to trainings and conferences. Rick said that he did receive three bids, however, Fleetwood Chevrolet is the only dealership with a truck that is in stock and ready to purchase. Rick said for that reason he would request that the board approve the purchase from Fleetwood. The board did approve the purchase of a 4-door truck from Fleetwood Chevrolet for $43,100. 

The truck that is being replaced is a 2005 Ford pickup. The board decided the 2005 Ford pickup would be placed up for bids in the coming month or so. Rick did point out that it is severely rusted, leaks water, and has a crack in the intake manifold. 

Rick then requested approval to purchase a new Locator stating that currently they are doing 2500-3000 locates a year and the current machine is to a point in age that he can’t remember when it was purchased. The new model is comparable to the model that is currently used. Rick did say that they will be keeping the old machine as a backup. The board approved the purchase of the locator from CNI Solutions for $6,586.99. 

Rick spoke about the water main break that occurred on Sunday, May 5, 2024, on Broadway. This break ended up being due to a football-sized break. Rick states that even though these pipes are steel they are seeing breaks more and more in them due to the age of the entire infrastructure. Rick states that he has discussed this with the mayor and he plans to include some upgrades to the current infrastructure in the Capital Improvement Plan. 

Rick updated the board that the current plan is to shut down Plant 3 on June 10, 2024, and drain it so that the PLC replacement can be completed. 

Joshua Marsh, Mayor thanked the crews that were on site for the water main break on Sunday from 6a-6p. He did state that he and Rick will be looking at adding infrastructure updates to the Capital Improvement Plan. 

The meeting was adjourned. 

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