Decatur County REMC joins statewide electric cooperative day of community
Cooperatives volunteer time to a statewide community service initiative
Indiana’s electric cooperatives hosted their annual “Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Community
Day” on Friday, Oct. 13. Decatur County REMC joined 21 of Indiana’s electric cooperatives in
completing a project that meets a specific need within their service area.
Decatur County REMC employees volunteered for the Decatur County Parks Dept. and the
Decatur County Animal Shelter. They trimmed and cleaned the Charles Buell Trials and
completed a variety of projects at the animal shelter.
Working side-by-side, Indiana’s electric cooperatives will demonstrate one of the core
cooperative principles: concern for community. Nearly 30 unique service projects will be
completed. This initiative provides the electric cooperatives the opportunity to use their time,
skills and expertise to make a positive impact throughout the state of Indiana.
“A cooperative’s very reason for existing is to serve its community,” said Brett Abplanalp.
“Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Community Day is an opportunity for us to work collectively with
co-ops around the state toward a single goal of making a positive impact. Investing in the
communities we serve is at the forefront of everything we do.”
In addition to Community Day, Indiana’s electric cooperatives are involved with philanthropic
activities throughout the state of Indiana and globally.
Through “Project Indiana,” Indiana’s electric cooperatives have been electrifying villages in the
poorest areas of Guatemala where there was no electricity available. Earlier this year, a crew
extended electric infrastructure in the village of Pena Roja along the western edge of
Guatemala. Because of the lineworkers’ efforts, 26 homes in the village now have electricity for
the first time. Indiana’s electric cooperatives also annually support Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Central Indiana with a fundraiser affiliated with its annual meeting.