The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.
Bradley Scheidler requested to “Subdivide” 3.00 acres out of 121.766 acres and “Rezone” up to 2.99 acres out of the 3.00 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single family detached dwelling. They plan to use the existing driveway. The property is owned by Paul & Shari Scheidler in Greensburg, Adams Township. Petition 2023-16 was approved.
Paul Stone requested to “Rezone” 1 acre from an A-1 to an B-2 zoning classification for business use. The current business is located just west and north of the requested parcels. The business has grown over the last few years and, due to state road change plans, they are going to change the entrance/exit to their business. They see no future construction plans as they will use the parcels as an entrance and for overflow equipment parking. The property is owned by Tim & Kim Rentals LLC in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2023-17 was approved. Stone did not vote on the petition.
There was a discussion on the Decatur County Stormwater Management Ordinance. This was approved on the second reading.
Decatur County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual was presented. This was approved on the second reading.
Morgan Schofield
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