The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on March 6, 2024, at 6:30 pm. All members were present. The commission approved the February 7, 2024 meeting minutes. The Area Plan Commission heard from three petitioners requesting zoning changes.
The first petition was 2024-3 submitted by Leising Excavcating, LLC and they requested to rezone approx. 16.848 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an I-1 zoning classification. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Article 12. This property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 6876 E State Road 46, Greensburg in Salt Creek Township. The representative stood during the meeting to explain that this request is to accommodate future use. He stated that just recently they have grown and added a new division of business which is trailer sales and service. He said that he would like to build an indoor showroom to display trailers in. The property that this petition is for sits between two other I-1 zoning parcels. It was explained that a neighbor had contacted the Area Plan office and asked about what the future use was and asked about the drainage. The commission members stated that they had already spoken with the petitioner and they have plans for any drainage. The commission unanimously approved this request.
The second petition was Petition 2024-4 by Jason Wagner to subdivide approx. 1.5 acres out of 40 acres and rezone approx. 1.5 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for the construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 1705 S Water Plant Road, Westport in Sand Creek Township. Mr Wagner came before the Area Plan Commission and stated that the rezoning request was due to his wanting to build a house on his property for his daughter. He has already completed the septic approval process. The commission approved this request.
The third petition was 2024-5 by Brad Marcy requesting to subdivide approx. 2.99 acres out of 82 acres and rezone approx. 2.99 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for the construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by Mang Farm LLC and is located at 9750 E CR 300 S, Greensburg in Salt Creek Township. Mr. Marcy said that he was going to build a house on the property. The Commission approved this request as well.
The Commission adjourned the meeting.