Decatur County Commissioners- OCRA YMCA Grant Meeting

The Decatur County Commissioners met on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 1:00 pm. 

This was the part of the meeting that was recessed on Monday. The topic of discussion for the meeting was to discuss the OCRA grant that was awarded to the Decatur County Family YMCA for their Roof replacement. The Decatur County Commissioners agreed to be the Grantee and the Decatur County Family YMCA as the sub-grantee. This was created as a pass-through grant. 

Shannon Mcleod, Grant Administrator came to the Commissioners to discuss the next steps that are going to be coming as they move toward awarding the project. Shannon stated that the letter of award has been received. The OCRA grant was for $500,000 and requires a $500,000 match. The YMCA will be providing the full match and any project overages. Decatur County will be contributing no funds to the project and is acting as a pass-through. It was explained that the OCRA grant is only allowed to pay for the Contractors of the project and the YMCA match pays for things like architects, grant administrators, and other costs associated with the process.

Shannon states that the environmental review has been completed. The Engineer Architect has completed the original design. She states that she is going to be working on getting the project out to bid. Once the bids are received the YMCA board of directors will review them and then meet with a select few. They will then decide on who will win the bid. 

The current timeline is to award the bid by June. The construction is to begin in August and completion of the project in November. Janet Chadwell, Auditor, and Shannon discussed how the bills and funding will be drawn down and paid. Janet stated that she wishes to have this wrapped up within 2024. Shannon said that is the current goal unless something drastic occurs. 

Chad Smith, Attorney stated that he is going to review the sub-grantee contract and will make edits after speaking with the commissioners. They currently have the April 15, 2024 Commissioners meeting scheduled to review and sign the sub-grantee agreement. 

Jeremy Pasel, Commissioner asked if the current agreement has the County Attorney’s time included. Jeremy said that he does not want to see taxpayers’ funds used for this. Chad said that he would be making edits to include a fee for the county to be reimbursed for his costs for reviewing documents and being a part of the pass-through grant. 

It was decided by the Commissioners that the YMCA will handle all aspects of the project such as overseeing the bidding and selection process. They will receive all bills and will need to submit the invoices to the Decatur County Auditor’s office for the drawdown of grant funding. Janet Chadwell said that she would need to be copied on any information and that she must provide information as requested. Shannon agreed and said that she is available and will be available for any assistance the Auditor’s office may need. 

The Commissioners stated that they will meet in a public meeting to discuss and sign off on any and al aspects of the project. 

The Comissioners voted to sign the OCRA Grant Agreement, Authorize the YMCA to run the required environmental advertisement following the grant-specific guidelines, and sign forms presented to the Comissioners to start the project. 

The meeting was recessed.

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