The Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education met on Wednesday.
The board approved the following field trips: NDHS Reed Ulrey – Midwest Clinic International Band & Orchestra Conference Chicago, IL – December 19 – 21, 2022 and SDHS Zach Manson – Midwest Clinic International Band & Orchestra Conference
Chicago, IL – December 19 – 21, 2022. The board approved the following hirings: NDHS Madison Ewing – Moving from Part-time to Full Time Instructional Assistant in Life Skills, Phil Nobbe – Varsity Softball Coach, Breanna Metz – Varsity Girls Track Coach, Michelle Russell – 4 hours/week with homebound instruction, NDES Paige Simon – Covering Medical Leave for Ann Bedel, and SDES Katie Antunez – Moving from Part-time to Full-time Reading Interventionist/ELL. The board approved the following resignations: NDHS Brett Muckerheide – Varsity Softball Coach, Ashley Dillon – Varsity Girls Track Coach, Central Office Courtney Snider – Corporation Bus Driver Effective September 9, 2022, and Stephanie Hensley – Corporation Bus Driver Effective August 24, 2022. The board approved the following leave for SDES Allyson Hudson – Third Grade Teacher – Medical Leave
Estimated November 17, 2022 – January 23, 2023.
The extra effort award for NDHS went to Jenelle Trenkamp, Michelle Russell, and Georga Cloud. These ladies have done a great job with early college programs and have been great at adjusting to fit tricky schedules in order to keep everyone involved and included.
The extra effort award for NDES went to Brett Mankin and Connie Krieger. They have been instrumental in getting the technology set up around the school and alway keep everyone in the loop.
The board approved the resolution to adopt the 2023 budget. The board approved the resolution to adopt the capital projects plan for 2023-2025. The board approved the resolution to adopt the bus replacement plan for 2023-2027. The board approved the resolution to reduce 2022 appropriations.
The board accepted all donations. The board approved the disposal of obsolete equipment. The board approved all student fundraisers.
Debbie Reynolds gave an update on NDHS. They have had several AP scholar students that they are very proud of. They are currently advancing to the next early college phase which involves getting teachers from UIndy. They hope to get this rolling in February to continue the program that helps their students achieve college degrees while in high school. They had 2 students give a tiktok presentation during a lunch and learn out on by the Chamber of Commerce. Kona Ice will be at the school on Friday during the football game. The Athletic Hall of Fame is now open for applicants. The homecoming theme for next week is tv shows.
Rob Smith gave an update on NDES. Their Innovation studio is open and operational. They gave a thank you to both Ag Day and the Power of the Past for the field trips they were able to take. Next week is 3, 4, and 5 grade eye check from the Lions Club. The week of September 26 is the book fair. Marion University offered free Dyslexia tutoring training for 5 teachers. They will be sending 2 more faculty members for advanced school safety training.
Morgan Schofield
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