The Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education met on Wednesday.
The board approved the appointments of: NDHS- Taylor Isaacs – 2-3 hours per week Homebound Instruction, NDES- Makenna Boyer -1St Grade Teacher, Madison Hankins – Moving from SPED Interventionist to SPED Teacher, SDHS- Judi Poulter – 2nd Shift Custodian, Diana Apostolakos – Long-term Spanish Substitute, and Maurice Buckner – Varsity Boys Basketball Coach. The board approved summer help for custodial: Kay Schwering, Barb McIntosh, Josh Canfield, and Nate Canfield. The board approved summer help for technology: Sheila Skinner, Cathy Pittman, Brandy Strand, Jeremy Sherman, Braydon Lee, and Olivia Krieger. The board approved the leaves of: NDHS- Taylor Isaacs – Special Education Teacher Medical Leave – August 4, 2023 – October 16, 2023 and NDES- Evelyn Bayse – Special Education Teacher August 1, 2023 – September 4, 2023. The board approve the resignations of: NDHS- Madison Ewing – Educational Assistant effective April 28, 2023, Audrey Wicker – AG Teacher effective June 30, 2023, and NDES- Mary Rogers – Interventionist effective May 26, 2023. The board approved all conferences and field trips.
Several members of the audience had written requests to speak. David Vanderbur came to the board to check in on events with the South Decatur ag programs and voice their concerns. They believe that 1 teachers is not enough to handle all the classes and events and are worried because no one bothered to tell the community that the ag program was in such a state of distress. They are worried that this is what will kill South Decatur agriculture as the schools are the ones who start and keep kids involved in ag, FFA, sports, and 4-H. The schools must do something to support ag and FFA. Roel Hulsbosch stated that agriculture has been a big part of their family and 20 of 80 employees on their farm came from North or South Decatur and picked up careers through FFA. They appreciate the postings for ag teachers and stated that there are plenty of people in the community who would be willing to help keep ag alive in Decatur County. Anthony Freidersdorf came to the board trying to support ag at North and South Decatur. They wanted to show their support for the ag job postings as this is not something the community wants to give up. They don’t want to take opportunities away from the students in the school. The board appreciates all comments and wants to set up a meeting with those who spoke to further discuss their concerns.
The extra effort award for NDHS went to Greg Kulpinski and Kim Connall. Kulpinski is excellent and very dedicated to their job. Everyone loves him and they do all that is needed in the school. Connall is the nicest person who everyone says has the best smile. She never slows down and takes pride in her work.
The extra effort award for NDES went to Bob Ramp, Jerry Amberger, and Rhonda Scheibler. These 3 bus drivers get kids to and from school every day safely and on time. They put up with a lot and are well respected. They always have a positive attitude toward the students and are extremely reliable.
The board approved the reappointment of Mike Gasper to the Decatur County Contractual Public Library Board of Trustees. The board approved the 2023-2024 student handbooks. The board approved all student fundraisers. The board approved all donations totaling in $5,886.55. The board approved the disposal of obsolete equipment.
Principal of NDES Rob Smith gave an update. This week was teacher and staff appreciation week. The Walkathon collected over $37,000 which goes back to the students 100%. The Design Innovation Studio ribbon cutting was last week. They had student demos and they recognized many students hooked on learning more than they had ever been. Grandparents Day and the art show were a huge success. Many fifth and sixth graders are inducted into the honor roll and will be treated to a movie next week to celebrate. The Book Blast event raised $19,000, meaning every kid will be given a book as well as summer books will be distributed.
Principal of NDHS Debbie Reynolds gave an update. They are endorsed for Early College in April and they were told that they were the happiest building they had been in in a while, from the student to the staff level. The Academic Team went to state for the third year in a row and received 4th place overall. They are in the Top 10 in the state for the Indiana Academic Super Bowl. 68% of seniors received their academic and/or technical honors. Prom was successful and a very fun night. May 25 is the last official day of school. Graduation practice is June 1 at 10 am and Graduation is June 3 at noon.
Morgan Schofield
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