Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) hosted Oldenburg Academy’s Environmental science class on Wednesday to share and help educate students about the electric generation and distribution process and the industry’s renewable and alternative energy resource adoption.
Subject matter experts from DCREMC and Hoosier Energy, (DCREMC’s power supplier) demonstrated how electric utilities operate from energy generation to distribution and beyond, shared information about the current energy portfolio and provided a tour of a substation and the Center Solar array, near I-74.
The one-megawatt solar array contains 3,900 panels, which rotate to track the sun, and is capable of generating enough electricity to power about 150 homes annually. The array contributes to a diverse energy portfolio, from which DCREMC benefits.
“Decatur County REMC is proud to partner with our local school systems to educate students about the electric industry, future technologies and the value of the cooperative in our community,” said Rachel Sullivan, Corporate Relations Manager for DCREMC.
DCREMC has a long history of supporting and advocating for the community’s youth and is excited to share future technologies and energy resources with these bright, future leaders. “We encourage teachers, club leaders, and program administrators to reach out for educational or partnership opportunities for your groups,” said Sullivan.