From Decatur County Democrat Chairman Chris Ramey
The Decatur County Democrats held an announcement Sunday at the Greensburg Hampton Inn &
Suites. Decatur County Democratic Chairman Chris Ramey started the event with a welcome
speech and stated, “It is a pleasure to be here today to be a part of this announcement. I have
had the absolute pleasure to work alongside the candidate making the announcement today.
She is truly a leader that fights for all. I can always count on how hard-working Hollie is and that
she will do what she needs to do to get the job done.”
Ramey welcomed James Payton, Hollie’s husband and her son Isaiah Payton to the podium.
James Payton stated, “It is a great honor for me to introduce to you, a woman that I consider a
hero. No, she does not have military background, she is not a firefighter, a doctor, or a police
officer. What she is…. Is a fighter!” James and Isaiah introduced and welcomed Hollie Payton
to the podium.
When asked why she has made the decision to run for House District 73 State Representative
she said, “I have decided to run for District 73 State Representative to bring progress and action
for all to the area. If anything, I am real, and I have faced many real-life challenges. Whether it
be health, financial, or personal problems, I have advocated for myself and others. I think I
represent rural Indiana very well in knowing the difficulties we face.”
Hollie states that she hopes to bring awareness to the communities within District 73 and be a
voice for everyone, regardless if you are a farmer, lawyer, stay at home mother, or a
manufacturing associate.
When asked if she had to choose what her top three issues that she will focus on she replied, “If
I had to choose just three I would say those are Women’s Rights, Disability Rights, and Housing
Hollie states, “I’ve been advocating for the Rights of others for years. This has led me to the
conclusion that even though it’s important to voice my opinion on issues, it’s equally as
important to run for office and be the change in which I’m advocating for. I plan to stand up for
everyone, both during my campaign, as well as when I’m elected.’
The announcement was well attended with guest speakers Jennifer McCormick, Democratic
candidate for Indiana Governor stating “I firmly believe this is a fight about Democracy. We have
to have someone in office that will fight for all Hoosiers. We need leaders who empower
Renee Pack, State Representative House District 92 was in attendance and stated, “It is a
privilege to be here with my friend Hollie Payton as she announces her bid for the State House.”
Renee Pack went on to say, “The time has come that Hooisers have begun opening their eyes
and beginning to watch these strong candidates and what they can do.”

Chris Ramey, Decatur County Democratic ChairHollie PaytonRenee Turner Pack- IN HD 92 State Rep
Keith Potts and Marc Carmichael, both candidates for the 2024 United States Senator race,
were also in attendance today.
When asked about running for State Representative as a Democrat in a very Republican filled
area, How does she plan to show that she is for Bi-partisanship? Hollie stated, “At the end of the
day, regardless of what political party you associate with, we all want to be treated with fairness
and kindness. I plan to show everyone in the community that I am just a real person who has
faced some of the struggles that they have faced, and I will strive to better the community for
Hollie Payton’s committee is titled “Hollie Payton for IN” and for more information on Hollie or
her race please go to her Facebook account titled “Hollie Payton for Indiana.”. She also has an
Instagram account titled “holliepaytonforin”