Franklin County native announces candidacy for State Representative
BROOKVILLE, Ind. — Franklin County native Curtis Ward is pleased to announce his candidacy for Indiana State Representative District 55.
His first priority is being a husband to his wife, Catrina, as well as a father to three wonderful children, Maddox, Sofia and Mila.
Ward is seeking the candidacy of state representative with the goal of making a generational impact on our region while giving our children and grandchildren the opportunity to inherit our community better than we found it.
Curtis Ward currently serves as President of Brookville Town Council. Elected in 2016, Curtis has worked through many initiatives designed to increase the quality of place for his community. Recent successes include receiving the PreservINg Main Street Pilot program with Main Street Brookville Inc. and the Hoosiers Enduring Legacy Program (HELP) designation with Franklin County. Both of these initiatives showcase the importance of collaboration between groups and governmental entities.
Ward intends to use the same spirit of collaboration throughout the entire community of District 55. His two guiding principles while serving on Town Council are even more appropriate as he looks at the District as his larger community. First, do what you can, when you can. Second, focus on the positive, eliminate the negative.
Ward’s priorities as a representative will be to improve quality of place and life by focusing on improving broadband access for rural areas, improving infrastructure, improving workforce issues, investing in our youth, and focusing on economic development through regional initiatives.
Ward graduated from Franklin County High School where he was awarded the Lilly Scholarship in 2006. He received his Bachelors degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Indianapolis in 2010.
After graduating, Ward joined College Mentors for Kids, a national mentoring organization based out of Indianapolis, where he worked for seven years leading the organization through sustainable growth as their Director of National Expansion.
Ward and his wife, Catrina are both full time Realtors with Century 21 based out of Brookville serving the Southeast Indiana community. They are co-owners of multiple businesses ranging from home renovation, new construction and housing development. Curtis is eager to meet any and all community members and welcome questions or concerns that impact you and your family. He pledges to bring an emphasis to rural Indiana and to move our district forward through positive growth while preserving the characteristics we all love best about our community. He can be reached via email at or by phone at 765-256-0674.