Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners

The Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners met on Thursday.

There was a financial report given to the board. The total for all accounts is $1,094,054.44.

There was a request to make a purchase from H&B Alarm systems for $6740. This was approved.

John Feister with BF&S gave a construction update. AIP 21 partial pay request 10 for $305,783.26. This was approved. Contractors progress estimate 10 for $234,368.55 for runway paving was approved. Change order 1 for $178,884.14 was approved. This is for turning the old runway into a taxiway for future development. The board approved to submit the year end federal financial report. The board approved the 2023-2024 CIP draft.

Airport Manager Jerry Scheidler gave an update. The airport is running smoothing and all hangars are full.

The board approved the bills.

Morgan Schofield


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