Greensburg Board of Works met on Wednesday.
Deena Hamer with the Decatur County YMCA came to the board requesting a street closure for the Tree City Run. This is the same route as last year and the board is requiring they use washable paint for the ground directions. This was approved.
Rose Cronley with Mainstreet Greensburg came to the board requesting a street closure for the Holiday Walk Parade. The parade route is the same as in the past however changes at the end. Instead of turning left on Franklin Street they plan to turn right to lead toward the tree lighting. This was approved.
Leslie Thackery with the Veterans Parade came to the board requesting a street closure. This is the same route as always and will be on Saturday at 11 am. This was approved.
Police Chief Mike McNealy requested the promotion of an officer. This is for Kyle Wagner who is reaching his one year on November 30. They plan to promote on November 27 to Officer First Class. This was approved.
Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer requested funds for storm siren replacements. This is for 2 sirens, Siren 1 is inoperable currently and Siren 3 has bad drivers that will completely fail within the year. They would like to use Riverboat and Edit funds for these. They hope to get these in and operable before severe weather season. This was approved.
Wastewater Superintendent Zeke Smith requested to purchase property on Ohio Street for the lift station. The lift station manages 2/3 of the flow of Greensburg and if it loses power they are on a time limit until it overflows with raw sewage. They would like to place their generator on the site and eventually build a small building to house it. This would ensure a quick response time if the need ever occurs. The board believes this would be an advantage to the city and its future needs.
City Engineer Ron May requested to purchase traffic counters. These can count vehicles by size, lane, speed, and time and would provide important traffic data assembly for intersection and speed control. This would cost $11,590.50. The board approved up to $13,000.
The claims were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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