Greensburg Rotary Club Named Small Club of the Year for Rotary International

EVANSVILLE, IN – Rotary Club 3437 of Greensburg, IN, has been named the Small Club of the Year for
Rotary International District 6580. The District consists of 36 Rotary Clubs in the southern third of the
State of Indiana. In the Small Club category, Greensburg Rotary bested 26 other Small Clubs to capture
the honor. Small Clubs consist of 50 or less members. The presentation was on Saturday, April 20 at the
Rotary District Conference in Evansville, IN.
Shannon O’Toole, District 6580 Governor for 2023-2024, said there are three primary decisions in which
clubs are considered for the award. Those include Rotary Foundation Giving per member, membership
growth, and public image. Other items that are considered include District participation, attending
events, Rotary International Leadership Training, new member orientation, and involvement in the
community. “I considered the effort Greensburg Rotary puts into their Fifth Monday events. Also, a
determining factor was if the membership understands Rotary International and how we are “People of
Action,” O’ Toole said.
O’Toole said the competition was extremely competitive, however, the deciding factor in the
consideration is the public image efforts of the Greensburg Rotary Club. “After narrowing it down to two
clubs, I scrolled through Facebook and 100 percent came down to looking at social media and it was
obvious. Outward facing, branding, and attraction is how we make the biggest impact to grow Rotary
and make it “GLOW”. The Greensburg Rotary Club not only shares the club efforts with the public but the
efforts of its members outside of their Rotary commitments – lifting up each other,” she said.
Rob DeHoff, 2023-2024 Greensburg Rotary Club President accepted the award at the District Conference.
“This is truly an honor for Greensburg Rotarians to be recognized for their hard work,” he said.
“Rotarians commit to our community and the goals of Rotary International. I am extremely proud and
grateful for the efforts of our members.”
DeHoff will continue his role as Club President for the 2024-2025 Rotary International year, which begins
in July.
July will also see Greensburg Rotarian Mandy Lohrum assume the reigns as District 6580 Governor.
Lohrum is a dedicated Rotarian who gives her all to “Service Above Self,” the motto of Rotary
Also attending the District Conference were Governor-Elect Lohrum, Past District Governor Jerry Fox and
his wife, Darlene, and Steve Freeman, Past Assistant District Governor.
The Greensburg Rotary Club meets at noon on Mondays at The Branch Gathering Place and Coffee
House in downtown Greensburg.

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