The Greensburg Board of Works met on Monday.
Hans Schreiber, the owner of Carriage on the Square, requested seasonal cafe outdoor seating. There would be a temporary fence going from the front of the restaurant to the alley that could be removed at night and in the colder seasons. This would allow for alcohol to be drank in the outside seating and there is a 6’ clearance from the road. This was approved.
Police Chief Brendan Bridges presented the BolaWrap Policy. In the policy, the wording of “suspects, subjects, and officers” is used since not everyone they talk to is a suspect and are sometimes just a person who needs to be calmed down. Officers will only carry one cartridge for these devices and the operational range is 10-25 feet for optimal use. These are to only be used as an absolute last resort when someone is at risk of hurting themselves or others, and not to be used if just running. The officers will be trained every 2 years for their certification to use BolaWrap. This was approved. There was a request for the First Class Promotion of Officers Gerkin and Hildebrand. This was approved. Last week the board held an executive meeting to receive information about a Greensburg Officer who had ben involved in a shooting in Batesville in November, 2020. It was decided by Batesville that the officer involved acted correctly in the situation. This was approved.
Street Commissioner Mark Klosterkemper presented the bid opening for a 2000 international dump truck. There were 8 bids total received. The bid went to Chris Luddel for $6,800, who was the highest bidder. This was approved. Heavy trash week will be May 17-21.
Mayor Joshua Marsh presented his items to the board. An employee requested to have 10 days of unpaid vacation even though they had 11 days of vacation time. The board decided that all employees must use their vacation time as that is what it is there for. Fire Education Day is Saturday, April 10 starting at 7:30 am.
The board approved the claims.
Morgan Schofield
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