Greensburg City Council

Greensburg City Council met on Monday.

Clerk Treasurer Brenda Dwenger presented the second reading of ordinance 2021-2 for an additional appropriation. This was approved. Dwenger also discussed the investments and stated that they will continue with their current investments.

David Starkey with Reedy Financial discussed the Greensburg Redevelopment Commission reporting requirements. This was just a financial report that must be given as a formality.

Executive Director of Mainstreet Greensburg Tonya Downey gave an annual update. The organization is committed to downtown businesses. This past year they have launched a new website with branding, did a very successful gift certificate program to help bring money back into the community, and held a drive through holiday walk. There are 125 total businesses, 13 business expansions, and 20 vacant buildings available in the district. In 2021 they plan to continue supporting businesses and will hold a meeting each month that they are able to attend. The Farmers market will be back downtown and will begin on May 7.

Building Commissioner Sarah Hamer presented ordinance 2021-3 for hospital annexation. The hospital purchased 2 parcels of land which are in the county and they would like to annex into the city. This was approved. Ordinance 2021-4, for the rezone of the St Mary’s property from an R-2 to a B-2 zoning classification for an event venue was approved.

Mayor Joshua Marsh presented the Covid money reimbursement request from Greensburg Community Schools. The request was for $30,000 for cleaning supplies and substitute teacher and $5,000 for the athletics. The county commissioners have also reimbursed GCS with Covid money. This was approved. Laura Jo Tebbe was re-elected to the library board.

Jamie Cain gave a board of works update to the council.

Morgan Schofield


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