Greensburg Board of Works

The Greensburg Board of Works met on Tuesday.

Police Chief Mike McNealy requested the destruction of assets. The first is a 2011 Ford Crown Victoria car. They have gotten all they can out of it and would like to destroy it while still using it for training. The other is a box truck bed which they have been using for storage. Any money gained will be going into the general fund. These were both approved.

Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer presented the quotes for the Station 1 assessment. There were 2 quotes received and both companies submitted similar proposals at drastically different prices. The board approved RQAW to move forward with the assessment. The cost of this will be absorbed by their budget. Chief Stoermer requested a leave of absence without pay for employee #822. This will be no more than 90 days. This is a 23 year employee and they are in the process of medical disability and retirement. This was approved.

Utilities Manager Donna Lecher requested a wage increase for Casey Clark in the amount of $0.17. This was approved. There was also a request for a sewer adjustment from the Greensburg City Pool for $2,746.30. This is their annual request for the pool fill. This was approved.

Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Smith presented change order 4 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements. They had to buy extra steel after finding an area that was bad after they had sandblasted. This was approved.

Mayor Joshua Marsh presented change order 13 and change order 14 for the City Hall renovation. These were approved.

The claims were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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